Best Doctors in Kolkata

Kolkata is home to some of the top hospitals, medical institutes and doctors in India. The healthcare sector of Kolkata offers world class medical services, amenities and personalized patient care to people from all around the globe. Some of the top doctors for different specialties are available in Kolkata.

Kolkata is one of the most important metro cities of India from commercial view point. Due to greater availability of jobs and a comfortable lifestyle, the city has seen rapid influx of population from various parts of India. Basic amenities like healthcare too have developed hand in hand with increasing population.

The healthcare sector of any region relies heavily on the doctors managing it. Kolkata, being one of the metro cities in India boasts of the most advanced healthcare facilities. Doctors having expertise in various therapeutic and diagnostic procedures practice medicine here. Some of the most sought after medical specialists are radiologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, dentists, psychiatrists and others.

However, this does not mean that doctors belonging to other medical specialties are in lesser demand. Their services too are sought after by many patients. Doctors working in Kolkata may be associated with hospitals or have their own private practice. The doctors provide medical and surgical consultation across various fields of specialty.

Years of practice and study imparts an unparalleled level of skill in the doctors which allows them to treat the most complicated disorders with ease. Doctors utilize the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods to provide quality medical care to patients. They are expected to adhere to all rules and regulations laid down by the department of health.

Doctors practicing in Kolkata are required to hold valid registration numbers assigned by government recognized health officials. Timely renewal of this license is required for doctors to continue with their medical practice. Disregard of any rules laid down for doctors to practice can lead to cancellation of their licenses.

Most doctors practicing in Kolkata hold advanced degrees in their respective fields of specialization. After completing a basic M.B.B.S degree, doctors can choose to pursue post-graduate degrees in the field of medicine or surgery. Many doctors also hold advanced fellowships and diplomas from prestigious institutes located in India as well as abroad.

Doctors are expected to adhere to ethical medical practice. Accepting or offering gifts in the form of cash or kind to other doctors in order to enhance one's medical practice is not allowed. Additionally, doctors should keep in mind that they are bound by laws of doctor-patient confidentiality. This discourages doctors from revealing personal information about patients elsewhere, unless ordered to do so by any authorized law enforcement official or body.

Doctors in Kolkata have offered world class medical facilities to patients since past few decades. This has earned the city a spot on the global map of healthcare and medical facilities.

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